Thursday, May 5, 2011

May Issue: Conferencisms

Well, I have to admit, I haven't been as diligent on my Ensign reading as of late! The April issue was a challenge for me to read. But I did get through it on a recent flight to California. I had read most of the short articles, so for the hour and twenty minutes on the plane I buckled down and finished it up. I am grateful to have read it and found many insightful things. I guess I'd better re-dedicate myself to the challenge so I can share what I learn as I go.
For the month of May, I have a new idea. This issue is the Conference Issue from the April Sessions of General Conference. I absolutely loved listening to all of the talks, and have re-listened to several of them already. My idea is to come up with photographs to go with quotes from the talks. I love the little "sayings and phrases" found in the messages and thought this would be a good way to share some of my favorites. I'll call them "Conferencisms" - not really a word, but I guess it'll work. Here's my first attempt...(click on the image to see it larger scale)