"At the final day the Savior will not ask about the nature of our callings. He will not inquire about our material possessions or fame. He will ask if we ministered to the sick, gave food and drink to the hungry, visited those in prison, or gave succor to the weak (see Mathew 25:31-40). When we reach out to assist the least of Heavenly Father's children, we do it unto Him (see Mathew 25:40). That is the essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ." - Joseph B. Wirthlin
This painting of the "Healing at the Pool of Bethesda" is one of my favorite Carl Bloch paintings.
What I learned by reading this article (pg. 62) is that the story of the healing (see John 5:1-9) not only teaches about the healing powers of Jesus Christ, but gives us the pattern to follow that we may be instruments in His hands as we serve others.
The article outlines the 5 steps Christ teaches through this miracle: 1. He looked for one in need 2. He listened without criticism 3. He often gave anonymously 4. He understood and acknowledged grief or disease 5. He followed up with the sufferer.
I LOVE this Mormon Message:
Is there someone whose spirit you could lift?