"And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!" - D&C 18:16
I think a powerful statement is made when, on page 8 of the February issue you will find the exact same message from President Monson printed in the January issue. It is no wonder what the Prophet is trying to tell us! Click here to see what latter-day Prophets have taught about preparing to serve a full time mission.

This cute young lady is leaving to serve a full time mission tomorrow! I am so excited for her. I have known her for many years, in fact she used to baby sit my kids when they were little! I know she will be a great missionary.
President Eyring reminds us that missionary work is not just for full time missionaries. He said, "Members are to have the power to find those the Lord has prepared for the missionaries to teach. We need to exercise our faith that the Lord has prepared people around us to be taught. He knows who they are and when they are ready, and He can guide us to them by the power of the Holy Ghost and give us words to invite them to be taught."