Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March Issue: Relief Society

You may think I have slacked in my duties of reading the Ensign because of the lack of blog posts! Fortunately I have been reading. Unfortunately I have had a few other projects that have been a bit consuming, so my blogging time has been pretty limited!
In this issue there is a great article written by Elder Holland and his wife called "Charity Never Faileth: A Discussion on Relief Society." They share many great insights on the importance of Relief Society in the lives of the women of the church. Elder Holland said, "[Relief Society] is not a program per se. It is the gospel - the gospel in action in the lives of our remarkable women." I love that - The Gospel in Action!
I also love this quote from Sister Holland: "No other organization in the world is going to be more helpful in the future than Relief Society. We need to rally the women of the Church to their calling as leaders and as "captains" of the welfare of children, especially now as we see families crumbling."
I am currently serving in Relief Society as the Activities Committee Chairperson. Other than being a visiting teacher, this is my first calling in Relief Society, and I'm beginning to truly understand the importance of this organization in the lives of women.
This video is something I created for our Birthday Social. It teaches a little about the history of Relief Society, as well as our responsibilities as sisters in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.